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The race to win the future mobility services business has begun. It is wide open on how automakers (“The Lakes”) will fare v/s technology companies (“The Valley”).  Andreas Mai, Director, Smart Connected Vehicles, Cisco Systems, Inc says that in the future mobility value chain will be critical to assess how IoE will transform the business.   The race to win ...

Kochi Metro – A Green Metro

Cities are growing rapidly due to urbanization and there is more and more pressure on road based traffic. Rail based Mass Rapid Transit System, like Metro, is the answer to these problems, primarily due to the fact that it requires very less space (either elevated or underground), reduces noise pollution, no air pollution, is reliable & safe, saves transit time ...

Wheel Load Weighers

SAW 15CII from is a lightweight, portable wheel load weigher (SAW scale) used to determine wheel loads of up to 15,000 kg. SAW scales have applications in enforcement of commercial vehicle weights in road transport, construction, agriculture, forestry and waste disposal industries. The SAW 15CII is EC approved with OIML and CE certificates of conformity. It is made with high-quality, ...

Speed Bumps

SW-PB-425*75 is a new 75mm plastic speed bump manufactured by Madhav Safety Works Pvt Ltd, an addition to its existing range of road safety products available under the brand name “Safety Works”. The specially compounded plastic gives the plastic speed bumps greater durability. The UV stabilised black and yellow colour combination ensures that the colours last long and give the ...

Diesel Emission Abatement in India

Vehicle population is on the rise all over the world. So is the human dependence on diesel. Have you ever wondered what emission from a diesel engine can do to your health? If not, read on.

The Archimedes Project

Faced with a large scale increase in the number of private vehicles, rising traffic pollution, constant increase in fuel prices and growing traffic pollution, the European Commission – the executive body of the European Union – launched the Archimedes Project in 2008 under the City-Vitality-Sustainability Plus Initiative. Slated to be completed by 2012, Archimedes has promoted clean fuel environment-friendly vehicles and non-motorised transport, and at the same time, introduced innovative measures to reduce traffic congestion and enhance commuters’ safety.

The Bullet train accident at Wenzhou

On July 23 this year, in the suburbs of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, at around 8pm (local time) a train travelling from Hangzhou to Fuzhou South lost power and came to a halt. Soon thereafter, a train travelling from Beijing to Fuzhou South crashed into the rear end of the stationary train. The last two carriages of the first train and ...

Background, Issues and Future Prospects of China’s High Speed Rail Programme

Whether it was the ticket price or reduction in ordinary train services, a corruption scandal that seemed to have eclipsed the safety issues or the tragic Wenzhou collision of two bullet trains on July 23 this year, China’s ambitious high speed rail programme has faced one setback after the other. In August, China suspended its new high-speed rail plans. Where did one of the world’s most modern rail operators go wrong? What is its future? Transport expert Richard Di Bona writes.

Research on dowsing in other countries

Many scientists have been intrigued enough by dowsing’s success to investigate it using scientific models. In 1995, Professor Hans-Dieter Betz, a physicist at the University of Munich, published a paper “Water Dowsing in Arid Regions” in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, published from Stanford University which documented the results of a 10-year-old study funded by the German government to apply ...