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Sunday , 8 September 2024

UTTIPEC Improving Delhi traffic – the unified approach

When it comes to development of traffic infrastructure and management, all Indian cities/towns face a common problem – the involvement of a number of government and semi- government bodies. The problem has been very acutely felt in the National capital territory of Delhi with increased capacity building by way of roads, flyovers, metro rail and MRTS. Lack of coordination and effective planning by various road owning agencies has adversely affected the traffic movement and has resulted in slow movement of traffic, lack of pedestrian safety and total absence of space for non-motorised vehicles. The situation is now being effectively addressed by UTTIPEC – Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning & Engineering) Centre – a brainchild of the farsighted Lt Governor of the National Capital Tejendra Khanna.

Formed in July 2008 under the statutory framework of Delhi Development Act 1957 with Lt Governor of Delhi as the Chairman, UTTIPEC takes a holistic approach to issues of transport infrastructure planning and traffic management in the Capital. All agencies dealing with transportation and traffic management have been brought under one platform for promoting efficient mobility in the National Capital. The Governing Body consists of officials from DDA, MCD, NDMC, DIMTS, Delhi Traffic Police, PWD, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, CRRI, AAUI and other connected organizations. UTTIPEC has been trying to ensure that latest technology and global standards are made applicable to all new roads and projects. All transportation projects/transport engineering solutions in Delhi by any sponsoring agency having road engineering/infrastructure traffic implications now require clearance of the Centre. Ultimately, the efforts are geared towards seeing that maximum number of people including pedestrians and NMV users are able to move fast and safely with minimum impact on ecology and built environment. The Governing Body meets on the last Friday of every month and considers the recommendations submitted by the various working groups for policy making, capacity building quality, audit and community participation. Apart from approving various road developmental projects, UTTIPEC has adopted and issued guidelines for road markings, pedestrian design and crash barriers, pedestrian railings & dividers. Streamlining bus transport, MRTS connectivity and multimodal integration are other key objectives

TrafficInfraTech has had the privilege of attending the 25th Governing Body meeting Of UTTIPEC on July 30 this year. Chairing the meeting, Lt Governor of Delhi Tejendra Khanna stressed the need to follow Best Practices in the planning and implementing of the traffic infrastructure projects to get the best results. It was also important to anticipate the traffic problems and identify accident prone areas to help formulate effective improvement plans, he stated. The presence of experts from multi disciplines and multi agencies gave a focus to the discussions and resulted in taking well debated, comprehensive decisions. The structure of UTTIPEC and the freedom it offers for open deliberations will be able to reduce the traffic woes of Delhi. This institutional arrangement can well be replicated in other parts of the country to tackle burgeoning traffic and transport bottlenecks

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