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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Striving to achieve 100% indigenization

Swaraj Secutech

Major Amitava Mittra (Retd)
Founder & CEO,
Swaraj Secutech Pvt Ltd

M/s Swaraj Secutech Pvt Ltd is a TUV Audited ISO 9001:2015 manufacturing unit in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India providing indigenous solutions for Perimeter intrusion prevention system like Crash tested bollards, Crash Barriers and tyre killers while manufacturing toll and traffic barriers for parking and pedestrian safety.

Swaraj is the only Indian OEM that has done 08 successful physical crash test at Horiba Mira, UK. It has achieved international compliance of IWA 14: 2013 std from Horiba Mira, UK and CE certification compliance from TUV Sud. Major Amitava Mittra (Retd) who heads the organisation, says his company’s journey in creating an indigenous ecosystem has been very challenging and yet extremely satisfying.

Swaraj Secutech, as its name denotes, stands for indigenously manufactured security related products of international standard. How has the journey been?

The journey of Swaraj Secutech has been phenomenal. From being first OEM in India to conduct a physical crash test at Horiba Mira, UK for its range of bollards, crash barriers and tyre killers to securing our country’s Nuclear Power Plant, Refineries, Armed Forces Bases, the journey has been most exciting.

After the pledge of Atmanirbhar Bharat, we further indigenized our solutions of boom barriers and flap barriers to 100 % of Indian origin. Today the company has its subsidiary in UAE & Canada while dedicated distributors in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UK, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.

While the Production unit remains in India we are constantly trying to reach out to different markets that recognize our International certifications.

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How are you expanding your R&D and manufacturing capabilities?

Ever since there is Make in India norm introduced by Govt of India, we have strengthened our R&D Division by adding more resources and focused approach for indigenous production. From licensed versions of Creo from PTC, USA to dedicated work on Ls Dyna simulation software we have been trying to enforce our core design team. We also have expanded our manufacturing capabilities by adding experienced engineers and modern manufacturing equipment like robotic welding machine from ABB Sweden. We are one only
OEM in India of our line of business that has deployed Robotics in its manufacturing processes.

You manufacture and market boom barriers for parking management, bollards for safety, barriers for toll plazas, and various access control solutions. Can you elaborate on these?

We have developed barriers for toll that has achieved 0.6sec operation time as mandated by NHAI for FAST TAG operation. Till today 90 % of this solution was being imported. We wanted to break the trend by using zero components in the barrier business that have origins of our Eastern neighbors. In Traffic Infratech Expo, we plan to showcase India’s first Solar Boom Barrier which will not require any external electricity source for its operation.

How have your company realigned itself to deal with the pandemic scenario?

Starting from 100 % adherence to government’s directives on Covid to mandatory covid insurance for all team members, we have tried to maintain team members’ health at all costs. For those who got infected we made sure to reach out to them and provide life saving medicines like Fabiflu at the onset of the disease. Thankfully all our team members have come back healthy. For our customers, we have maintained 100 % deliverable promise. In midst of the pandemic, we have successfully manufactured 108 K4 Bollards and installed them in record time.

How can the crash barriers/ bollards be put to use for reducing incidents on roads or in public places? There is a need to crash test as per the standards set. Are our standards as per the international standards?

We developed an interesting and useful product for roads and public places in this pandemic which is called movable barrier (SHIKHAR). This barrier can be deployed as when requited based on the threat perception for VVIP’s and public places. It can be deployed in minutes and can be transported very easily from one point to another without requiring any fixed installations. The barrier has been physically crash tested at Horiba MIRA, UK as per international standard of IWA 14 : 2013. Till date we have endeavored and achieved compliance to all applicable standards of CE, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and IWA.

Do you feel there is sufficient awareness among the end users about the type of security solutions to be used?

There is still a huge gap in awareness when it comes to certified products vs cheap imported noncertified alternatives. But India is catching up! Creating platforms like exhibitions, seminars and physical demos with the end users go along a long way. Trafficinfratech Expo has been creating this opportunity for years now

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