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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Editors Page DEC – JAN 2018

Mangala Chandran

As the vehicular traffic is increasing, Indian urban areas are facing the biggest issue of adequate parking space. Understandably, the planners of the new smart cities are predicting the increase in demand for surface parking and taking into account the various options for providing workable solutions. The 2017 Conference during TrafficInfratech Expo and Parking Infratech Expo in Hyderabad had a very interesting session on managing the surface parking, especially the challenges in enforcement of parking policies. The speakers discussed how coordination between different agencies, right pricing, location of the facilities with proximity to public transport, use of right technology for both management enforcement and above all formation of a unified transporation authority are important to achieve a workable parking system across the country.

When it comes to traffic management, the main factor is safety management to reduce accidents and to increase communication. Trafficinfratech spoke to Chief-of-Traffic of some of the cities to find out how they are deploying Traffic Safety Management Systems to better traffic conditions. Also being covered is the trend of using technology for facial recognition and Image Classification in the field of security. The technology can also be used for vehicle detection for behaviour analysis. The trend can change the focus of security from being reactive to being able to predict problems before they happen.

Taking forward the success of the annual Expos – TrafficInfratech Expo and Parking Infratech Expo – held in Hyderabad last year, the 2018 edition in Mumbai is expected to have wider participation.

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